Friday Oct. 29: I had my first final today - Sport Nutrition - I think it went well. But ugg why must there be studying in "study abroad?" lame. Oh well, it's a small price to pay for this amazing experience. Today Court, Steph, Cathy, and I went to the cutest theatre in Sumner to see Eat, Pray, Love. We had the whole theatre to ourselves and the movie was amazing!! I just finished reading the book too (by Elizabeth Gilbert). I highly recommend the book to every girl.
"But is it such a bad thing to live like this for just a little while? Just for a few months of one's life, is it so awful to...nap in a garden, in a patch of sunlight, in the middle of the day, right next to your favorite fountain? And then to do it again the next day?" - Or in my case to sleep under the stars over a spark-filled sandy beach in the heart of Abel Tasman, gaze deeply into an epic four hour lightening storm on a small South Pacific island, hang 100 metres from a bungy in the middle of a canyon, or hang over the side of a boat in the Bay of Islands letting my hair sway with the waves as I count the white puffy clouds that scatter the sunny morning sky...
Elizabeth speaks the words to my heart - "You were given life; it is your duty (and also your entitlement as a human being) to find something beautiful within life, no matter how slight." - Everywhere and in every moment I find beauty now. No matter how slight. Leaving New Zealand will not be the end to my searching. And it is not that I am going through life looking for the most amazing things, I am going through life observing and finding something beautiful in each moment.
Taking off the blindfold |
Saturday Oct. 30: Courtney's surprise 21st birthday celebration!!! Back in the day when Court's sister visited, she gave Steph, Cathy, and I money from her parents to use for Courtney's birthday. Ever since then, we have been thinking of ideas. It all came together this past week. I researched day spas and found the perfect one - Shunyata day spa/health/healing and spiritual retreat. I knew it was perfect when I saw the first thing written on the website is, "EAT, PRAY, LOVE at Shunyata and you don't even have to leave home." This day couldn't have been more perfect! We began early by taking Court to the bus stop. When we reached the city bus exchange, we blindfolded her and proceeded to mess with her for about an hour and a half haha. She had no idea what was going on! Our destination was Diamond Harbour. We took the ferry over and met Paru. I love Paru. She is an incredible lady. I also love Diamond Harbour - the water really does sparkle like diamonds. Paru has traveled the world and she is so passionate and inspiring about life. We had the whole house to ourselves which looked over the beautiful harbour and hills and had a nice porch and hammock we could relax on in the sun. Paru made us yummy sandwiches and tea :) We were there all day because we had to take turns since there were two therapists - Paru and her awesome massage assistant Kath. Firstly we all got to experience half an hour of ozone therapy:
Ozone sauna |
This is one of the most powerful ways of detoxification. It cleans the blood, destroys bacteria, fungi, and viruses without harming healthy tissue. Steam inside the cabinet creates hypertherimia, raising body temperature, opening pores and allowing pure oxygen and ozone enter the skin. As the pores open up and metabolism raises, toxins will be oxidized in skin, fat, blood and lymph. Black liquid like toxins are then excreted from the body causing rapid detoxification and aiding the body in natural healing, cleansing and weight loss, (600 calories is lost per sauna). Ozone is known to help in numerous conditions but most beneficial for chronic fatigue, cancer, HIV and aids, arthritis, depression and fibromyalgia. SO COOL!!!
Relaxing in robes and hammocks |
Those thirty minutes in the relaxing steam, looking out over Wreck Bay, listening to relaxing music, drinking ozonated water, and getting rose water sprayed on my face to cool me down was so so so amazing. Then we received our hour and a half massages. Paru did a massage involving cranio-sacral therapy and reflexology on me. I loved talking to her about physical therapy and alternative practices. She is such an intelligent, loving, amazing lady. A major reason why I love traveling is because I love meeting interesting people like her who I can learn from and who can learn from me.
Diamond Harbour |
We all felt so relaxed and happy afterward. I want to thank Courtney's parents for making this awesome day possible. Happy 21st Courtney!
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